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Tuesday 15 October 2013

On 16:39 by Blog in    No comments


DAC—Digital-To-Analog Converter
 DAC—Discretionary Access Control
 DAO — Data Access Objects
 DAO — Disk-At-Once
 DAP — Directory Access Protocol
 DARPA — Defense Advanced Research
 Projects Agency
 DAT — Digital Audio Tape
 DB — Database
 DBA — Database Administrator
 DBCS — Double Byte Character Set
 DBMS — Database Management System
 DCC — Direct Client-to-Client(data
 DCCP — Datagram Congestion Control
 DCCA — Debian Common Core Alliance
 DCL — Data Control Language
 DCMI — Dublin Core Metadata
 DCOM — Distributed Component
 Object Model
 DD — Double Density
 DDE — Dynamic Data Exchange
 DDL — Data Definition Language
 DDoS — Distributed Denial of Service
 DDR — Double Data Rate (data
 DEC — Digital Equipment Corporation
 DES — Data Encryption Standard
 DFA — Deterministic Finite Automaton
 DFD — Data Flow Diagram
 DFS — Depth-First Search
 DFS — Distributed File System
 DGD — Dworkin's Game Driver
 DHCP — Dynamic Host Configuration
 DHTML — Dynamic Hypertext Markup
 DIF — Data Integrity Field
 DIMM — Dual Inline Memory Module
 DIN — Deutsches Institut für Normung
 DIP — Dual In-line Package(data
 DIVX — Digital Video Express
 DKIM — Domain Keys Identified Mail


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